Thursday, January 7, 2010

So long

It's been sooo long since I've written anything. A couple cute things....
  • Will and I were talking about when he grows up and how he wants to "do" college online so he doesn't have to leave home, but if he does leave, he'll always come back and visit me, and take care of me when I'm old, etc. etc. So tonight, he got so mad at me because he didn't get his way about something, and the meanest thing he could think of to say was, "I'm NOT going to visit you!" Disrespectful, but still funny that that was the lowest blow he could come up with.
  • Hudson is talking so much now and repeating everything we say. When he wants to be held, he puts his arms up and says, "Hold it". It's pretty cute. I've heard of kids saying, "Hold you" because they've heard their parents say, "Do you want me to hold you?" but never hold it. He also babbles gibberish all day so I guess the Lord thought I could handle one more non-stop talker in the family! I would've thought at least one of my children would be quiet and reserved like their father but it doesn't look like that's going to happen!
  • I put this on facebook but Kate was complaining today that she's the only one in her class who doesn't have an ipod. And I did notice that several little kids had one when they were at running club this afternoon. So I guess I'm going to run out and buy her one tonight. Just kidding. To quote my mother, "I wasn't born yesterday."

I'll hopefully post some cute Christmas pictures soon. I can't believe they've all 3 just had their birthdays in the last month and 1/2 and are so old now!

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