Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School days

Yesterday was Kate's first day of 1st grade and Will's first day of preschool. Kate walked right into her class and didn't look back. She was so excited to go back today and had another good day so I think we're off to a great start. The first thing she said yesterday when I picked her up was, "My teacher called me 'Kate' all day!" That made her day. Luke said someone should tell Kate's teacher from last year what Kate said yesterday and maybe that would help that teacher understand that it means a lot to kids (and people of all ages) if you call them by the name they're familiar with. Anyway, that's in the past and we can go forward with an excellent teacher for this year.

Will went right into his class too and didn't get upset at all when we left, which was a big surprise because we thought he might cause a scene. His teacher said he had a good day too, so we're proud of his first positive feedback of the year! He has also invented his own way to add which cracks me up every time he does it. Who would've thought that someone who shares my genes (which can barely add in the conventional way) would come up with his own way to add! I can't help but laugh. But we shouldn't be surprised because Will never ceases to amaze us.

Hudson is adjusting to life with just Mommy during the morning. He seemed confused at first as to where everyone was but then he settled in to playing with all of Will's baseball paraphernalia and not having to worry about anyone taking anything away from him. I'm excited to do a music class with just the 2 of us that starts in 2 weeks.

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