Friday, February 11, 2011


We have started on a fun new adventure as of 2 weeks ago! Homeschooling! It's going so well so far. Kate, Will, and I are loving it and I'm so thankful that I took the plunge and did it.

I've thought about it off and on for a little while but really just long enough to say, "not for us". But I'm so glad we're doing it. We observed a group today called Classical Conversations that we'll be joining in the fall and I'm so excited about it! We'll homeschool 4 days a week and attend this group on Fridays with tutors to teach the kids in the classical style of learning, complete with Latin! I'm way more excited than the kids, I'm sure. It's so fun to be a teacher again. The kids are learning Bible verses every day, we're all getting along better, we're not rushed and frazzled in the mornings, and they can learn at their own pace. What's not to love? I should've done it from the get go but better late than never.

In adoption news, we sent our USCIS form off and are waiting for our appointment to be fingerprinted. This is the final step before we send our paperwork to Ethiopia and hopefully will be accepted and put on the official waiting list. I've been feeling like the Lord might want us to consider special needs adoption, but Luke is not feeling it so that's fine. I completely trust his judgment. It still feels like we have such a long way to go till we get our baby but homeschooling and Rays baseball will keep me busy till then. Pitchers and catchers report to spring training this Wed.! Hudson got a new David Price shirt today so we're officially ready for Apr. 1!

I went to the most wonderful adoption conference last weekend called Created for Care and was so inspired by all the families with multiple adopted children. A few Ethiopian toddlers were there and they were so beautiful. I can't wait for my African princess! I hope it's not considered bad form to dress her up in big bows and monogrammed outfits. The African American beauty shop I take her to may frown on that but it's going to be hard to resist!

We lost our camera cord so I haven't been able to post the pictures from Hudson's first basketball game but I'll hopefully be able to do it soon. Will is supposed to start baseball next Sat but he's having his 2 big toes cut out/removed because of infection from ingrown toenails so I kind of doubt he'll be starting baseball the very next day after his procedure. The nurse reassured me that they would give him a local anesthetic and he would just sit there and not know anything was going on but they clearly don't know Will, who has to be restrained by 2 nurses and me just to get a flu shot. Next Fri should be very interesting.

Kate and Daddy will be selling Girl Scout cookies outside the grocery store tomorrow night so that should be fun. She's also in a fashion show at a new children's store in Ellenton tomorrow which I'm super excited about because of the shopping I'll need to do after she walks the runway! No more school uniforms! We can buy adorable clothes for her again! I hope she stays petite so I can match her and Baby Zoe in cute dresses and leggings.

That's all our news for now. I can't believe what the Lord is doing in all of our lives. Kate has been a voracious Bible reader and quoter of Scripture to her younger brothers for a while now, which we've been thrilled over. But Will's little heart was growing hard and his attitude had been so defiant and unkind to all of us. In the few short weeks we've been homeschooling, we've seen such a change in him. He is coming back to the sweet little boy he was before he started public school and it makes me get teary eyed with joy and thankfulness. It's like I've got my Will back and I feel so blessed. My children are my greatest blessings, next to Luke, and I'm honored that I get to spend my days teaching and pointing them to Jesus. I'm sure we seem weird to most people but we're just trying to be obedient and it's always worth it.


  1. What good news! Enjoyed reading your post. We home school too. :o)

  2. awesome, kelley! i can't wait to talk to you about homeschooling. so neat that you can already see benefits for the family... sounds like a good match for yall. and, i was dying laughing about the african princess! i cannot wait to meet her... on skype. tear.
